
Church of Divine Synergy was founded by Christina Perez in 2019. This church, a natural law religion, honors the order of the highest form of creation, nature. Nature is our temple. Natural law is our Guide. What does this mean? When we take part in religion it is because we resonate with the guidance of a system of beliefs.
Nature, the plant world, fungi, the animal world, the insect world, the unseen world that is living and culminates our surrounding existence is alive. All of these living systems have cycles and adhere to phases of transformation that truly speak to life, living and the highest order of creation. That is why nature, being in and with nature, is our temple. The place where we observe and rejoice in the “AUM” of being. Natural law is our guide, as we follow these cycles and systems of nature we better inner-stand how we work. Our human bodies are natural and retain the elements that we find on earth and in the greater cosmos. For instance water, learning how to flow and hydrate provide nurturing.
Communing with nature is our birthright and following systems of nature is the foundation of our belief system. Learning from nature, celebrating nature, upholding the systems that are natural bring us to a deeper inner-standing of ourselves and our symbiotic synchronistic synergistic relationship with Earth, our home and mother. When we learn of our parents, or that from which we came from, we unveil our ability to thrive on. Any being that resonates with these beliefs, as founded in nature and natural law, is considered a member of the greater congregation of conscious beings coming back to the natural ways that bring healing and harmony. Welcome.
About Reverend Christina Perez
Christina Perez founded the Church of Divine Synergy (CDS) to further support the missionary work of claiming and exercising our human birthright to commune with nature. In the years previous she founded Global Curandera (GloCura) and JustALCHEMY Guild (JA). Together with CDS, comprise the holy Trinity of integrating the gifts of being human in harmony with Earth and sharing yOur gifts to support the advancement of all intelligence.
Intelligence’s of the universe (planets, space, elements, the unknown), nature (plants, animals, fungi), the human body, mind and spirit are held sacred. Spirit also known as all that is unseen, energy, frequency and sensory systems, intuition, foresight, dreams, inter-dimensional and microscopic worlds are sacred keys to cultivating synergy.
Christina became a legally ordained minister in February 2020 to enliven this complete ecosystem devoted to nature as a Supreme Guide.
A few words honoring the foundational ethos that align GloCura, JA and CDS. “All is possible, “I am possible” (say it out loud)! Through vision, planning, and the activation of steps toward vision, we thrive. Collective consciousness is available to all and insight is gained as we tap into this vast and infinite pool. Each time we allow ourselves to open to the unknown, the divine synergy of the infinite all, we gain opportunity to become succinct with our surroundings and all that is…the result, complete fulfillment.” Click this link to know more about Christina Perez. Be well.